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Leaked: New ATT text messaging plans in preparation for Verizon iPhone

ATT new text messaging rates

AT&T customers, get ready for new text messaging rates to go into effect starting next week. As the Verizon iPhone approaches, the company is looking to make their plans look a bit more attractive, and not so different from what Verizon will be offering. Above is an image leaked out of Best Buy showing that AT&T will have two text messaging plans going forward. The first is a new $10 per month for 1000 text messages (with each additional costing $.10,) while the second is the $20 unlimited text plan ($30 for family plans.) Going away are the $5/200 message and $15/1500 message plans. If you're  a current customer on one of those plans, you are grandfathered in and can hold onto it, but new customers won't have those choices starting on January 23rd. Also on that day, AT&T will be raising activation fees.

We're not sure how much this will do to keep people from jumping ship, but it certainly makes the texting plans a little clearer. Also, be sure to check out how Best Buy plans to convince customers to choose the AT&T iPhone. War is upon us!


Facebook allows apps to access addresses and phone numbers [Update: Feature suspended]

Update: Due to user backlash, Facebook has suspended this feature for now. One reason is that, while it is opt-in to give this information to an app, you have to make that decision before you get to actually see what the app does, during the install process.

This weekend, Facebook updated its developer blog with some new abilities for developers of Facebook apps. The biggest change is the ability from those apps to now access user contact information like home addresses and phone numbers. This data used to be kept confidential from apps, but now they will be able to access it if a user grants that permission. There are some obvious uses for that, such as a shopping app which fetches your address for shipping purposes. Apps will have to explicitly ask for user permission, which will appear as a new entry on the Request for Permission screen, and they will be expected to follow Facebook's rules of conduct. The safest course of action, of course, is to not add your contact information to Facebook in the first place.

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With Steve Jobs out, what happens now?

steve jobs medical leave

As we reported earlier today, Steve Jobs has taken another medical leave of absence from Apple.

So what happens now? That's the exact question that the world seeks answers for in the wake of this morning's announcement. What we do know is certain: Tim Cook, chief operating officer, will be at the helm for the companies major product launches going forward.

What we don't know is, well, everything else. But Jobs' unexpected health announcement does shed new light on recent Apple dealings as of late and, more importantly, comes with a few givens for the future.

Click to continue reading With Steve Jobs out, what happens now?

Groupon CEO apologizes for Bird Cafe screw-up

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: News, Planning, Startups,

Andrew Mason, founder and CEO of Groupon, has issued an apology to customers in Japan by way of a YouTube video today. The apology is in relation to a New Years deal that ended up being a catastrophe. Food delivery business Bird Cafe has been featured on Groupon in the past, but the restaurant was overwhelmed by the volume of orders that came with the New Years osechi meal. Many meals were delivered late, while others were on time, but in "terrible condition." Groupon reimbursed all customers for the purchased and apologized in an email, but it's great to see Mason step up and personally apologize on video. Leaders of other companies might take notice--this is how you step up and own a mistake your company made.

Groupon is in the process of educating its merchants on "capacity planning" to avoid similar problems in the future.

Steve Jobs taking another medical leave of absence from Apple

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Corporate News,

steve jobs leave of absenceAlmost two years to the day from when Steve Jobs took medical leave from Apple to get a liver transplant, he has announced that he will be taking leave yet again to deal with his health. Just like last time, Steve will remain as CEO of Apple, and will be very involved in the major strategic decisions for the company. Tim Cook will take over day-to-day operations. It's unknown at this time whether the issues are related to Steve's bout with pancreatic cancer back in 2004, or the 2009 liver transplant, but whatever it is, we wish him a speedy and full recovery. We've got the email he drafted to his team after the jump.

Click to continue reading Steve Jobs taking another medical leave of absence from Apple

2011 Golden Globe Awards—Live Coverage

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Award Shows, FX, NBC, Features, Gossip,

Golden Globe statues

For the 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards, NBC recruited funnyman to host the ceremony for the second year in a row. But will Gervais be the only name making a return appearance at the microphone tonight?

Last year, Michael C. Hall, Alec Baldwin, Julianna Margulies and Toni Collette nabbed acting wins in the Television category. Could we see repeat victories for all four nominees?

At the 2010 event, Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart) bested Colin Firth (A Single Man) for Best Actor in a Drama. Will this be the year that Colin Firth (The King's Speech) takes the statue from Bridges (True Grit)?

Follow our live coverage after the jump and get all of the answers to the above questions and more!

Click to continue reading 2011 Golden Globe Awards—Live Coverage

First Look: Andrew Garfield in His Spider-Man Suit

Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man costume

It's been quite the week for Social Network stars.

Yesterday, we got to see Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander, her character in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake. Now, we're getting our first look at Andrew Garfield (in costume) in the Spider-Man reboot.

In an earlier interview, Garfield said he feels "very, very lucky that I get to wear spandex for the next few months." Unfortunately for us, it's going to take more than just a few months -- over a year! -- to see him suited up on screen.

What do you think of this first still? Does it make you excited to watch the Spider-Man series ... again?

The as-yet-untitled film will debut on July 3, 2012.

Read More | Deadline

Getting into Character: Rooney Mara as Dragon Tattoo’s Salander

Rooney Mara in The Social Network

If you've been wondering how Rooney Mara could go from playing a college student in The Social Network to playing a tattooed and pierced computer hacker in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, wonder no more.

You can see a transformed Mara as Lisbeth Salander -- a role many actresses in Hollywood wanted -- after the jump.

Click to continue reading Getting into Character: Rooney Mara as Dragon Tattoo’s Salander

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iOS 4.3 beta now available, drops support for iPhone 3G, iPod touch 2

ios 4.3 beta 1

iOS devs, time to get to downloading, as Apple has just released iOS 4.3 beta alongside the iOS SDK 4.3. Downloads are available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and even the 2nd generation Apple TV. The SDK build is 10M2508, while the software for the devices is build 8F5148b. From the looks of things, this beta is all about checking and testing AirPlay video with the iOS devices and Apple TV. We will keep our eye out for anything else in the beta, since it's interesting that the Verizon iPhone was running version 4.2.5 with mobile hotspot. You'd think 4.3 would incorporate those features as well.

Users of the iPhone 3G or second generation iPod touch need not apply, as 4.3 isn't compatible with those devices. iOS 4.3 also brings new four- and five-finger multi-touch gestures to the iPad.

Jon Stewart weighs in on the Verizon iPhone announcement

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Videos,

John Stewart lives in New York City, one of the areas with notoriously bad AT&T coverage. As seen in the video above, he is very happy about the announcement of the Verizon iPhone. As Stewart puts it "Those us in the iPhone community have sacrificed one thing for the ability to carry around every photo we’ve ever taken, or video we’ve taken, or song listened to, or have a compass. We have sacrificed the ability to make phone calls."
